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helen offline helen Ziņojums Cet Okt 29, 2009 14:16 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Hello everybody! Hi

Autumn is raging in our country, and we all are dreaming about tropical countries and 365 sunny days a year. Холодно
So, this time I suggest to your attention the article dedicated to the climate of Australia, let's learn a little bit about its climate and acquire new words connected with it.
As always the plan for the lesson is following:
1. to read the article
2. to check all unknown words
3.to discuss the suggested topics and questions
5.to increase vocabulary. Work with dictionary, if necessary.
6. to write an interview and/or letter and send me via e-mail: [email protected] or here in inbox.

Good luck and have a good discussion! Счастье нереальное

An Australian scientist says his country needs an extra couple of seasons. And he isn’t joking. Dr. Tim Entwisle, boss of Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens, told Australia’s ABC News that Australians should stop thinking there are four seasons. He said this idea was “inherited” from Britain centuries ago. Dr. Entwisle said Australia really has at least five or six seasons. The country has many different regions and weather conditions. The far north is tropical and the south gets snow. In between there are deserts and mountains. Entwisle suggested some names for the new seasons. He proposed "sprummer" is the season between spring and summer, and "sprinter" covers the post-winter, early-spring period.
There is actually a lot of sense in Entwisle’s proposal. Aboriginal Australians have up to eight seasons. They have lived on the land for thousands of years and are experts in understanding local conditions. By contrast, non-indigenous people living in the north of Australia say there is just a dry and wet season. Some northerners say there is an extra "mango madness" season when it gets really humid. Dr. Entwisle believes different regions would need a different number of seasons, saying: "Five or six seasons would better reflect what we experience. If we're going to detect changes due to climate change, it's important that we get our seasons a little more in tune with the environment." He didn’t say whether there would be a silly season.


1. Discuss the questions:
a)Does your country have the right number of seasons?
b)What do you think of Dr. Entwisle’s idea?
c)Do you like the changing of the seasons?
d)Is it better to live in a country with two, four or eight seasons?
e)What do you think of the names “sprinter” and “sprummer”?
f)What do you think happens in the silly season?
g)If you could invent a new season, what would it be like?
h)Do different seasons change your feelings?

2. SIX SEASONS: What are the best and worst things about these seasons?

3. SILLY SEASON: Choose either you believe there should be an official silly season; or you strongly believe that’s a silly idea and prove it.

4. WEATHER: What’s your favourite weather? Rank these kinds of weather – your favourite at the top.
heat wave
heavy rain
freezing temperatures
90% humidity

1. CLIMATE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word ‘climate’.
2. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words ‘silly’ and ‘season’.
3. TEST YOURSELF: Look at the words below. Try to recall how they were used in the text:

Written homework (one by your choice)
1. NEW SEASONS: Write a magazine article about two new seasons in your country.
2. LETTER: Write a letter to Dr. Tim Entwisle. Ask him three questions about seasons. Give him three of your opinions about his ideas.

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ivasi offline ivasi Ziņojums Sv Nov 01, 2009 09:53 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 682
Pilsēta: jugla

Our country has shot parts of really saesons-autumm,winter,spring,summer and between tham has a longs periods of 'between season'.For us easily to say-usually(rainy)summer,spring and even rainy winter.I like than seasons are changing.That's brings somthing new in my life-holidays and cares,impressions and expectations.
I know that in Japan,children study a lot off hue coulours.It's give tham a bigger possibility for preception and explanation their senses.
Additional season's name can make the same.
I like english saying"Thereis not a bad weather,there is a bad clothers".How the weather can be silly?Maybee than something wrong and sad happens in soul.
I loved this town for all my life when arrived first time in Riga.it was rainy and cloudy day.And now don't imagine Riga with out rain,because it's gives him water colour

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Sv Nov 01, 2009 10:44 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

ivasi :
How the weather can be silly?Maybee than something wrong and sad happens in soul.

No! Подмигиваю It is an expression! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silly_season

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Otr Nov 03, 2009 20:13 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

ууу, чего-то не густо тут с ответами. В шоке

чего так? Размышляю времени написать нет, или тема сложная/ не интересная?

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Angel offline Angel Ziņojums Otr Nov 03, 2009 20:52 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 416
Pilsēta: Золик

Краснею Sorry,Helen! тема интересная,только времени совсем не было...Постараюсь сегодня написать

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ivasi offline ivasi Ziņojums Otr Nov 03, 2009 21:18 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 682
Pilsēta: jugla

Spring-lovely season.I like how smell new grass and leaf.And every spring I'm waiting who has been heareted first-nighttingale or cuckoo.
Summer.It's long days and eveninds wiht warm nights.Meetings with frends on summer cottage.Swiming in the lakes and sea of cause.
Autumn.My family like to look for mushrooms on the forest.Even my youngest sonny knows some sort of mushrooms.I like how smell transparent air.And bright leaf make glad my eyes.
Winter.Of cause it's looking forward for New Year.I like moment than my children open presents!
Rainy.O,it's very typical condition for our country.But I get used to rainy.I remember how read Ms.Marpl phrase:"It's so bored than every day sun.You haven't got subjects for talking"Agree wiht her Рукопожатие
Silly.How I understand siily season normal for small towns in warm countres than tourism was finished.I think it's time for native inhabitants take a rest and spend more times wiht theirs familys

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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ivasi offline ivasi Ziņojums Otr Nov 03, 2009 22:14 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 682
Pilsēta: jugla

My opinion that hurricane is most dangerous natural phenomenon.All another don't "present"also.But in 90% humidity,freezing temperatures,heat wave people adapted.Snow,fog,heavy rain can break usual way of life.In ours citys we very depend on electricity and all what can break it make us weak.
I like thundestorms.It's so beatifil and powerfull.And affter fourht thunderstorm,how tells native token,it's possible to swim.

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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kroljix offline kroljix Ziņojums Otr Nov 03, 2009 22:48 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 6397
Pilsēta: ПриРижье

Sorry, Helen! Краснею My priority this week are exams in European Rights and in Author's Rights, so I haven't even checked the new article Размышляю I promise to join again next time Да-да

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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Angel offline Angel Ziņojums Treš Nov 04, 2009 00:00 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 416
Pilsēta: Золик

Weather is very important theme for all people. We speak about weather if we havn`t other themes for speaking. My favorite season is summer.In childhood I liked winter,because my birhday is in december,liked snow,skying,and other winter joys. But now I like sun,warmth,flowers,summer smells... I think the seasons are changes.Winter never start at december,first snow usualy is in january.And Christmas wasn`t white at list time. Печально It so beautiful when in Christmas is snowing,at once the good mood is appear.
Others seasons aren`t start at time.June usually is cool,only in July is warm..
Sometimes spring and autumn are very short...

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LENI28 offline LENI28 Ziņojums Treš Nov 04, 2009 10:23 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2474
Pilsēta: Рига,Плявниеки

I`m sorry for my delay too, I will try to do my homework today.

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Treš Nov 04, 2009 13:30 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Let's prolong then the deadline till next Wednesday?

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Treš Nov 11, 2009 15:59 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Hello everybody! Hi

So, today is Wednesday and it's time to sum up the results of Lesson 3.
The number of participants significantly reduced, however for those who are still with us, I suppose it is reasonable to carry on. Улыбка

So, the theme of the lesson was Seasons.
According to your replies it is obvious that all seasons are good if there are proper clothes, however summer and sun is always fun. Счастье нереальное Fully agree, that each season has its own charm, especially if we dressed according to weather, but summer is the best season, at least in our country! Отдых

Now, about grammar:
1. again the mix of Tenses.
Please, choose either Present Simple or Present Continuous
That's brings
It's give
it's gives
good mood is appear
Others seasons aren`t start

2. Tenses
I loved (Vita, you loved before or you still love it?)
My family like (family- IT)
we havn`t - present simple? negative? Подмигиваю
Winter never start - he/she/it + V(s)

3. Expressions
to look for mushrooms - pick up mushrooms

4. Plural nouns
family-families (ending y-ies)

5. Spelling. Please, use spell checker. Внимание!
Ex. Of cause Прячусь
skying- something connected with sky or with ski? Подмигиваю

Thank you very much for you writings and see you in Lesson 4. Hi Поцелуй Цветок
Stay tuned!

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