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helen offline helen Ziņojums Treš Okt 21, 2009 21:06 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Good evening! Hi

Glad to greet you at our second lesson Цветок , which is dedicated to the DIETS.
I think that this theme is or was important to every woman. Подмигиваю
So, as always our goals at this lesson are:
1. to read the article
2. to check all unknown words
3. to share your experience in diets. Have you ever followed a diet? Tell us about your bad/good experience. How was it? What did you do? Did it work? If yes, why? If not, why? What would you recommend to others?
4.to discuss the suggested topics and questions
5.to increase vocabulary. Work with dictionary, if necessary.
6. to write an interview and/or letter and send me via e-mail: [email protected] or here in inbox.

Good luck and have a good discussion! Счастье нереальное

People who follow a Mediterranean diet are likely to be happier in life. This is the conclusion of a new report published in the journal ‘Archives of General Psychiatry’. The study’s authors say a diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and fish seems to make people less likely to develop depression. This may explain why people who live in Mediterranean countries are more laid back than other Europeans. There are fewer mental disorders in Mediterranean countries and scientists believe this could be because of the diet. The new research supports previous studies that suggested olive oil protects against depression. No Italian, Spanish or Greek meal is complete without olive oil. Researchers from Spain’s University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Clinic of the University of Navarra, Pamplona asked 10,000 people to keep track of what they ate. The scientists observed dietary habits and instances of depression for four years. They discovered there was a thirty per cent lower risk of developing depression in people who stuck to the Mediterranean diet. The research team says it is still unsure why this diet reduces the likelihood of depression. They said the diet could boost blood vessel performance and increase the body’s efficiency to produce oxygen. Both these things make the brain and heart perform better. If our mind and body are healthier, it seems natural we will be happier.

I.Themes to discuss:

1. NATIONAL DIET: Do all these countries eat healthily? Motivate your answers.

Choose one point of view and prove it:
1. you are what you eat (if you eat healthily, your mind will be healthy);
2. food does not affect your brain.

3. DEPRESSION: What can stop depression?
Rate these 10 = would definitely stop depression; 1 = would have zero impact on depression. Explain why you think so.
English level Здорово

How healthy is your country’s national food?
Have you ever been depressed?
What food do you eat when you are unhappy? Is this healthy?
How do you make your brain and heart perform better?
Is there anything better than food to make you happier?

II. Vocabulary
1.DIET: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word ‘diet’.
2. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words ‘olive’ and ‘oil’.
3. TEST YOURSELF: Look at the words below. Try to recall how they were used in the text:

III. Written home work (one by your choice)
1. Write an imaginary interview with doctor and someone who is overweight.
2. Write a letter to a dietician. Ask him/her three questions about your country’s diet. Give him/her three suggestions on how to make your country’s food healthier.

Pēdējo reizi tika rediģēts: helen (Cet Okt 22, 2009 12:02), kopumā tika rediģēts 1 reizi

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Riska offline Riska Ziņojums Treš Okt 21, 2009 22:45 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 31872
Pilsēta: Торонто

Ура! Ура! Nice theme
not because I like diets - not at all
I like Spain, Italian and Greek meal
for example Greek salat , or Mozzarella Cheese with cherry tomatos, basil and olive oil...
As for me the olive oil is the most important thing on a table
There are not a lot of good olive oils in Latvia, not such wonderful oil like in Greece, Spain or Italy ( Hello to Skazka Хихи )

I think, that it could be, that Mediterranean people more laid back than other Europeans, because they eat like Улыбка kings - all fresh food , a lot of fresh vegetables and fish, a less pork and beef...

How healthy is your country’s national food?

Hm... and what is Latvian national food..? Google told me that is - Grey Peas with Bacon... not healthy at all Здорово

Have you ever been depressed?

Yes, I have been

What food do you eat when you are unhappy? Is this healthy?

I eat ice cream or drink coffee. Not, it is not healthy food

How do you make your brain and heart perform better?

Good question by the way, I have to think about it

Is there anything better than food to make you happier?

Yessss, furs Улыбка new dress Улыбка shopping

Apathy is Boring
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Riska offline Riska Ziņojums Treš Okt 21, 2009 22:59 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 31872
Pilsēta: Торонто

Do all theses countries eat healthily? Motivate your answers.
Yes, they do
If this is not a pizza Улыбка
They often have a fish and fresh salads with oil on a table
No they don'y mostly
Fast food are every where


Yes , they do
Fresh fish, rice...
But now there are also fast food is popular

Mediterranean climate, but always we hear about Israel-Lebanon conflict, so it too hard to tell what is the true life there

No, they don't I think
Tee and coockies, too much meat


Hard to tell
Indians think that they are eating healthy
But for me - too much ingridients

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kroljix offline kroljix Ziņojums Treš Okt 21, 2009 23:56 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 6397
Pilsēta: ПриРижье

I have to agree - this theme is very actual allways Смешно
I never followed any diet, because my willpower is strongly too low to backslide something tasty Смешно Besides it's enough for me to hear the word "diet" to become unbearable hungry. So how could I follow any diet? Хихи Also the importans reason is that I never had an overweight, maybe only disaffection with my self due the pair addintional kilograms, but I can live with them quit well.

1. NATIONAL DIET: Do all theses countries eat healthily?


I agree with Riska - italian food is superb! I very like it, specifically the mentioned tomato with basil, oil and cheese; vegetables salads, see food and lasagna. In italian food I only hate ruccola - it blemish usually all salads and make them uneatable for me. I hate this taste.


Oh no. Fatter then americans are only australians. in those countries people doesn't know how normally tastes milk or tomatoes. For long time all meal what is possible to made synthetic, is made this way, including milk, cream etc. The healthy food cost expensiver due the production cost + marketing strategy, not all inhabitants can afford it.
And the important point is - americans are conflated from so many nations, that they actually haven't one unified diet.


Yes, I think japans has old traditions in food preparing and eating, which come from old times, when junk food was yet not created. I actually very like japan food - all those sore fishes, meat etc.


I don't know anythink about eating in Lebanon. Iwas once in their restaurant, but I can't remember what we eated than. I guess they food is very healthy because the region is well located - it should be very productive and fresh vegetables shoukd grown during all year.


No idea what is the national food in England. For now I guess very much depends on the situation - how well it is, what sort of food can people afford. It seems to be very specific for London and other cities, where are living inhabitants with very different level of incomes.


Yes, indians' food seem to be healthy. I have to mark, mostly it is vary hot, but otherwise usual menu include very much meals prepared from vary different and fresh products. Usually I like this food with those spicy sauces.

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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Leonella offline Leonella Ziņojums Cet Okt 22, 2009 00:48 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 812

1. NATIONAL DIET: Do all theses countries eat healthily? Motivate your answers.
Before the answering on these questions I would like to say that healthy food has many aspects. I call it an eating culture.
It doesn’t matter where people live (a country); I think their attention to the food, to cooking and eating in the whole is more important, it is grown out from a family – how they were used to eat (how frequently, where, a portion and what is very important a compatibility of the products, alone or not etc).It is important to respect a meal. For me every mealtime is like an art. I don’t want to say what my meal is always healthy. No!(Oh! For example, my school-time in the university!) Mostly rules contain exceptions, but all of us simply have to TRY eat better (do not be lazy).
Taking into account all set out above, I’ll try to add to the particular country how I see their eating culture and cuisine.

Italy - healthy…more or less. I’d say it depends on the region. As I noted a tendency to the healthy food is higher on the North of Italy. However, living in Naples with my friends I didn’t see a “fat’ food on their table at all. A lot of vegetables, sea-food and fruits and of course everything was homemade and very delicious! One minus - they have a dinner (supper) too late (about 10-11 p.m) what is not good for the stomach and health.

USA - As I know/heard/said to me mostly people prefer fast or junk food. Even quite rich people buy hot-dogs or TV meal. Maybe it depends on their lifestyle, a lack of time..or simply absolute contempt for their health.

Japan - I like Japanese food very much. It is close enough to me. I understand it or try to do it. Every touch to the meal, every gesture during the cooking and eating says more than enough about their attention to the meal. Moreover it is very healthy food. Not a secret, the Japanese are know as a nation which has a lot of old-timers.

Lebanon - I don’t know much about their cuisine. There is a part of nation – Muslims – they do not eat pork, do not drink an alcohol and very devout people, that influence their eating culture for sure. I guess it is more healthy than not.

England - difficult to say. If we are talking about traditional English cuisine, I would not say it is healthy (except traditional English breakfasts like porridge and eggs). It’s taste absolutely disgusting! In my opinion there are not enough fresh vegetables, to much meat (pork and beef), and too much ale or beer.
As I know from TV the English people are very thankful to Elizabeth Davids who diversified the traditional English cuisine. It became much, much better and taster!

India – many Indians are vegetarians. Is it much healthier than eating the meat I really don’t know.. I am dubious.. For me traditional Indian food is too spicy. For somebody the spicy food probably is tasty, but not healthy!

"Кто хочет сдвинуть мир, пусть сначала сдвинет себя" (с)

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kroljix offline kroljix Ziņojums Cet Okt 22, 2009 17:32 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 6397
Pilsēta: ПриРижье

A bit to continue:

Choose one point of view and prove it:
1. you are what you eat (if you eat healthily, your mind will be healthy);
2. food does not affect your brain.

I agree with first expression, that food affect my life very much. Because it is a regular and often process, it can be unimportant. My organism keep energy, minerals, vitamins and all other it need from meal. It doesn't store anything he doesn't need. Though organisms can show very well if he is missing something – hair and nails may become weak, lumbs may apper on skin and so on. Well balansed meal can prevent many troubles with health.

3. DEPRESSION: What can stop depression?

10. friends – with my good friends it 's not necessary to do something, we can just drink tee and blabber silly things, but it makes us happier – just to be together, to have an opportunity to meet those men.
9. money – if you haven't limit how much to spend every day and don't need to calculate by lunch to take cup of coffee or not, it makes you more free,more happy. I don't know about abundance – when people can afford to buy islands, football teams or yacht, i don't are they happy. But money gives definite feeling of freedom and facility.
8. Work – I like satisfaction what apper after good made work, whai I can be proud of results.
7. Food – delicious and tasty food, the process, conversation – all this together make happier. Though when I'm starving and haven't any opportunity for valuable meal, fast food is ok also.
6. Weather – is very important for me. I hate this typical Latvian climat with ageless november outside. I would really enjoy if summer was 9 months in year. The remain can be splitted between snow and rain. Sunshine has a magic affect on me – my mood become better, I choose to go somewhere outside and so on. In raining days I can sit the whole day inside with some book and cup of tee.
5. English level – travelling is very important for me, so I appreciate very high the skills, whose let me to communicate with foregner.
4. Television means very few for me, sometimes I'm watching discovery or animal planet or crime stories.
3. News – either in Latvia or abroad the news are so pessimistic, so negative, so focused on bad things what happens all over the world, that, imo, impossible to get happier by listening to them. Very rarely we can hear about saved lives, or new achievments of scientists, or some succesful story. Mostly it all about troubles, recession, misfortunes and so on.

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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Angel offline Angel Ziņojums Piek Okt 23, 2009 00:32 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 416
Pilsēta: Золик

Very vital guestion! Смешно Likelihood all people think about diet at least once per life. Motivation to each may bee different - one want to keep helth, other - lose weight. As for me ,I havn`t any expirence to keep the diet. My weight and body structure allows my to eat all. Sorry But I think that to be healthy and feel well we need eat more or less different and healthy food. Therefore I fully agree with opinion you are wtat you eat. Because exactly food supply with nutrition substances and if this substances is in balance our body functioning well. Of course, its no so difinitly.


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Angel offline Angel Ziņojums Piek Okt 23, 2009 12:30 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 416
Pilsēta: Золик

About national diet

I think italian cuicine is more helthy than russian.They eat much vegetables,fruits,fish and seafood.Cook and serve with olive oil.
The americans eat a lot of healthless food,such as fast food. Hotdogs,hamburgers,coca-cola and others comes to our life from America.In this country very much corpulent people and this problem became to national problem
Japanees cuicine is very particular to Europeans.But in last time it work up a Europein market.They eat lot of useful rice and fish,its very important to mental proceses.No more important is eating traditions.Japanees eats slowly,without stress and hurry.
I don`t know much about Lebanon food and traditions.
I think english food aren`t very different from us.They eat meat and bread,not so much fruits.
I didn`t eat indian dishes.I think they use a lot of species,but may be I mistaked.

About Depression

I think all this things may affect depression . Of course,its depends from this depression level before.If you have a deep depression, good food or weather can`t ascend you mood.But if you have not so big stress or you are in low spirits one of very useful mehtods may be meet with good frends in good restaurant Смешно
In last time bad news from TV and newspapers may increese depression level

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Angel offline Angel Ziņojums Piek Okt 23, 2009 18:08 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 416
Pilsēta: Золик

How healthy is your country’s national food?
I think our national food is not very healthy.Except Grey Peas with Bacon which remembered Riska,I can call only soup from bread and may be some fish,such as ses eel and sprat,who cure by smoking. We doesn`t eat a lot of fruits,cooking with oil,and havn`t enough time to eat

Have you ever been depressed?
Yes,I have been.

What food do you eat when you are unhappy? Is this healthy?
If I am unhappy I drink a lot of coffe and eat a sweets and chocolate.I think its no so healthy,but in shot time its help improve my mood

How do you make your brain and heart perform better?
I don`t think about it

Is there anything better than food to make you happier?
Meeting with friends,shopping,travel

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Skazka offline Skazka Ziņojums Sest Okt 24, 2009 01:10 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2173
Pilsēta: España, Barcelona

Hello ladies!
Not to fulfill the task, just for the sake of chatting ans sharing the experience Улыбка
I've seen a chart recently showing the Mediterranean diet in the shape of triangle. The lower layer consisted of grain, bread, pasta. Then there were vegetables, fruits - they are eaten on a daily basis. Fish was mentioned to be eaten once a week and meat - once a month.
I can not say if it is true or not, but yes, when you come at a seafood department of a supermarket you are sure to have a shock. There are so many different fish types, prawns, squids, octopuses and other... creatures I do not know the names even in my mother tongue.
They all are fresh, not frozen, delicious even in my cooking.
Also the choice of vegetables and fruits is impressive. They are not always of the best quality, as at any supermarket, but still very much OK.

But I'll tell you what I know about how Spaniards start their day Улыбка
The first breakfast is early at about 7-8 in the morning. Consists of coffee and tostada - a toast with guess what? Yes, olive oil! It also can be made with olive oil and tomatoes, tuna, bacon - anything. But the basis is always a toast with olive oil Улыбка Believe me, it's delicious!
The next breakfast is around 10 am - coffee, tortilla (Spanish traditional omelet), bocadillos (sandwiches), galletas (bisquits). It is for people who have already woken up, not only got up Улыбка

Even at work they do have a breakfast Улыбка Don't know how it's organized but it's true Улыбка

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ivasi offline ivasi Ziņojums Otr Okt 27, 2009 00:54 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 682
Pilsēta: jugla

I think that diet is a good idea if you have 3-5 unnecessary weight ano don't can dress on lovely skirt.
For health it 's not a good to use diet for a long time.Organism doesn't obtain all useful substainces .In this case may suffer skin,hair,nails.
Very often stontness is result of dissatisfaction in the life.And better to pay attention for lifestyle,mental condition.
And I'm thinking that Meditrranean diet is better for people who live in this place,don't have cold winter or couldly dampness on autumm.
Olive oil is a good oil.But we have others good oils,vegetables,fruts that more healthy for peoplewho live here.For example in Italy or Spain buckwheat lis little known product,but very usefull and more cheaper than some rise from Japan.
In words:"what good for russian is death for german'is some sense.
Activity in lifestyle,than food doesn't act others interests-love,friends,travel,books,is nice pledge for healh and lack of depression.Add sport(for pleasure),moderation in nutrition....from this Monday I'm begining new life Смешно

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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ivasi offline ivasi Ziņojums Otr Okt 27, 2009 02:15 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 682
Pilsēta: jugla


My opinion is that national diet better forpeople whose live in tnis country and get used to traditional.native food.For example-Japan is very small country,and people can't stand out a lot of pasture's land.But it surround a big ocean with fish .In India people eat spicy food if have some problem with insanitary.In many hot countries food is very spicy.In Lebabon national food is lambs with vegetables.It's so easy eat before it become untusty and go bad.In USA doesn't exist national diet.because so many nations arrived and mixed

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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ivasi offline ivasi Ziņojums Otr Okt 27, 2009 02:46 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 682
Pilsēta: jugla

friends -they make me glad.and contact with them gives emotions for soul.

work-good done gives emotions too.

English level-it's ineresting and making my brain younger.

weather -if I see a sun I want to do so many things//and do it Счастье нереальное

food -I like than cooking somebody Улыбка

television -I can watch something iteresting and have a subject for discussion with my frands

news -how tells professor Preobrazenskij :"Don't read communist newspaper befor dinner" Улыбка

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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LENI28 offline LENI28 Ziņojums Otr Okt 27, 2009 17:58 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2474
Pilsēta: Рига,Плявниеки

Hello, ladies!
It is my turn to express my opinion regarding any diets.
I have to mention that I have never been in need of any diets however I sometimes want to get out of 1-2 kg to get into beloved dress before a party. The main idea I should express that if a woman have been on diet for 1 week and after starts to eat cookies and bread at night all her diets are worthless, the main idea is healthy lifestyle, permanent wellness in the lifetime. However if a person is corpulent not only diets that can help him to lose weight, sport activities should become the integral part of his being.
1. Now about national diets:
Italy – I think Italian meal is quite healthy due to contained vegetables, greenery, pasta, olive oil, fish dishes and wine.
USA – no meal in USA I have heard is healthy however I guess if a man wants to eat healthy meal he can find any national restaurant.
Japan – this ancient country has quite scanty cuisine, I think the main dishes are rise and fish with sauces.
Lebanon – I think national meal is lamb, vegetables, wine.
England – the most beloved porridge, bacon, omelet, beefsteak can be hardly called healthy.
India - I know a little about Indian cuisine but I guess it is too spicy in order to avoid gastrointestinal diseases

2. I am exactly what I eat – if I have porridge or eggs or bread with cheese for breakfast I can think clearly, resolve problems, to perform any physical load without any pain and burden in my stomach due to energy I have received with my meal. I can not go out without drinking a cup of coffee or cacao and eating something for a breakfast.

3. Depression.
Food – 2 – any food can not help to get out of your problems however eating something tasty like ice-cream gives you hormone of happiness and strength to struggle with difficulties. But if you lie on the sofa and eat cookies they can not help you to find a job or new friends.
Money – 5 – money definitely can struggle with your depression at least the depression will be harder is you have no money.
English level – 1 – definitely can help you with depression, for example you can read your favorite book about Harry Porter in the language of author.
Friends – 6 – the main weapon in struggle with depression 
News – 3 - news can enlarge your depression only so if you are in bad mood do not listen any political news on TV and radio.
Television – 4 – the same as the news but you can watch a humor program to improve your bad mood.
Work – 8 - I think every employee can be in good mood nowadays 
Weather – 7 – my mood is always fine in spring when sun shines and birds sing. November is the best month for progress of depression.

4. Questions.
I do not guess Latvian food is healthy because it is similar to Deutsch cuisine – meat, beer, bread, peas. However Latvians drink quite lot milk.
I have been depressed for some times but I can cope with my depression and difficulties.
When I am unhappy I can not eat much.
I try to eat healthy meal and have some sport activities.
Food can not make me happier, if you become happier after eating it is fiction only that the problems disappeared.

5. Diet – food, meal, cuisine, weight, wellness, fitness, slim, beauty, health.
Olive – vegetable, green
Oil – fat, butter

6. follow – try, come after
Report – advise, inform, guess, think, instruct
Rich – full, contained,
Laid -
Mental - intellectual
Complete – full, whole
Track – path, road, way
Dietary - healthy
Stuck - stopped
Unsure – indefinite
Boost – rise, support, encourage
Natural – normal, general

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Leonella offline Leonella Ziņojums Treš Okt 28, 2009 00:37 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 812

Choose one point of view and prove it:
1. you are what you eat (if you eat healthily, your mind will be healthy);
I don’t agree absolutely, but if I had to choose, I suppose this clause is a bit closer to me.
Body is a very unique thing. It consists not only of a lot of many different elements, but also includes an information of every person. For example, looking at someone’s figure and seeing its overweight, we may consider, that exact person has some problems with food (mostly). Maybe he/she eats sweets too much or other fat food. I always wondered when corpulent people tried to prove them right, saying that the overweight is a result!!! of metabolic disturbance. Some of them understand that everything is upside-down – the metabolic disturbance is a result of the overweight. Just stop to eat a lot of unhealthy food. As I knew the overweight may cause very many deceases (even quite awful). As a sequence an ill person becomes a bit inadequate, very often angry and jealous to other people, to their health. Of course, the healthy food is not a panacea from all the illnesses, but I think the main duty of every person, who cares about his/her health, is to minimize this risk by eating a healthy food. Then a life in the whole will seem better!
2. food does not affect your brain.

"Кто хочет сдвинуть мир, пусть сначала сдвинет себя" (с)

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Leonella offline Leonella Ziņojums Treš Okt 28, 2009 01:34 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 812

3. DEPRESSION: What can stop depression?
Rate these 10 = would definitely stop depression; 1 = would have zero impact on depression. Explain why you think so.
English level

The word depression is like a parasite which very quickly adapt in a good ground (read the body). Every person may choose or she/he wants to live along with these parasites or to make a vaccine. I mean, to learn ourselves to solve the problems, not to lose heart and just gripe about unhappy life and bring a charge everybody and everything in it.
10 – fiends. Friends and my family, their support is very important for me. Their belief that everything will be ok, and we deal with the problem X, is a huge part of success.
9-Money. I suppose, this item should be defined as No Comments. If there are a lot of money in your pocket – you may travel with your friends and family through the world and do all what you want (what is not forbidden by the law).
8 – Weather. I like very different weather, mostly a sunny one; in other words it depends on my mood.
7 – English level. If I could improve my English level as my second native, I would feel myself more comfortable in a company of foreigners. Sometimes I feel the language barrier if I can’t explain something very typical for our culture (difficult to find in words an idiom).
6 – Food. What I can say – if I am blue I start to eat.. Sometimes very unhealthy food such as sweets, cakes etc. In a case if I would not, I will be very angry..so, it is better for other people if I eat.. BUT! After the eating the sweet I may become blue again, and the cause will be my appetite.. In other words – collapse!!
5, 4 - News and TV – There are so many negative and pessimistic information, that I try to watch TV very rarely (some movie or History chanel).
3 – work – if there is a lot of work and everything is very urgent I become absolutely anxious and sometimes after such working day I could be under depression. From the other hand, if I am depressed some housework helps me to return in a normal condition.

"Кто хочет сдвинуть мир, пусть сначала сдвинет себя" (с)

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Cet Okt 29, 2009 01:16 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Hello girls! Hi

I have read all your replies with a great interest as the problem of diet is very important for me as well. Right now I am considering how it is better to lose extra 3-5 kg. and I have chosen for myself just to avoid in my everyday meal all side dishes, like potatoes, rice, buckwheat etc, so now I just eat meat with vegetables, and I have lost already 2 kg. Rock

Now a little bit about grammar mistakes. This time I noticed several major groups of mistakes:
1. Present Simple
There were a lot of mistakes with he/she/it +verb(s) or vice versa.
For example:
menu include- menu includes (singular)
Fast food are every where - is everywhere (singular)
It’s taste- it tastes (present simple)
My organism keep energy- organism keeps (present simple)
if you haven't limit- if you do not have limits (present simple)
mood become better- mood becomes (present simple)
I havn`t any expirence- I do not have any experience (present simple)
its depends from- it depends on
japans has old traditions – the Japanese have (plural)
We doesn`t eat a lot of fruits- we do not eat a loto f fruit. (present simple)
its help improve- it helps to improve (present simple and verb pattern)

2. Other grammar tenses
we eated than - we ate there (Past simple, irregular verb)
the Japanese are know – are known (passive voice)
woman have been- woman has been (present perfect)

3. Verb pattern
TRY eat better – try to eat (verb pattern)
its help improve- it helps to improve (present simple and verb pattern)

4. Conditionals
I would really enjoy if summer was 9 months in year- I would really enjoy if summer were 9 months (second conditional)

5. Comparative and superlative adjectives
The healthy food cost expensiver- more expensive (if word has 2 and more syllables for comparative and superlative adjectives you use more/most)

6. Expressions
lot of- a lot of /lots of
may be I mistaked – may be I am wrong

7. Prepositions
better to pay attention for- better to pay attention to (preposition)

Also, I would like to say that your colleagues use a lot of very good words and expressions and it is worthy to read not only the article and questions but the replies of your colleagues as well. For example, just some of them:
laid back
gastrointestinal diseases
so, if you have time, please, read carefully all replies and pay attention to the unknown for you words and try to remember them.

Also, there are some good points interesting to discuss:
For example this one.

kroljix :
Oh no. Fatter then americans are only australians. in those countries people doesn't know how normally tastes milk or tomatoes. For long time all meal what is possible to made synthetic, is made this way, including milk, cream etc.

Oksana, could you explain about Australians- what is wrong with Australian food? I had no idea that Australian food is unhealthy, for some reasons I always thought that they eat healthy meal. Краснею

Or this one

Leonella :
As I know from TV the English people are very thankful to Elizabeth Davids who diversified the traditional English cuisine. It became much, much better and taster!

Please, could you tell more about Elizabeth Davids, what she has done particularly? When was it? Sorry

What I know about traditional English food, is that before World War II, it was quite tasty and even sophisticated, however World War II changed everything, people had to learn to cook without foreign ingredients and the Ministry of Food published cheap and boring recipes consisted of a mixture of boiled vegetables covered in white sauce. And after these years British never manager to recover from the wartime attitude to food. Внимание!

If to summarize the discussed questions, most of you agreed that our national food is not healthy at all the same as American and English, but you all agree that Italian and Japanese food is very healthy. Fully support your opinion! Да-да

Another point where almost all of you have the same opinion is that we are what we eat, however Vita also thinks that :"what is good for Russian is death for German.’’ And here I also can not but agree! Рукопожатие

In general that's it concerning our Lesson 2 - thank you very much for your participation and for interesting points and ideas! Цветок Ура! And now let's go to Lesson 3 which I plan to provide tomorrow morning. Stay tuned to Writing Club as we have some other interesting themes to discuss! Поцелуй Счастье нереальное Цветок

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Leonella offline Leonella Ziņojums Cet Okt 29, 2009 01:47 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 812

I watched a very good movie about a life of Elizabeth David, it was shown on Viasat History channel. When she was young she travelled a lot to the Mediterrian sea’s countries, such as Spain and Italy. She liked how these people cook, at specially sauces and spices (without it the real British food seem on her opinion disgusting. After the WWII she launched her first book about Mediterranean food, where precisely described not only recipes, but also their descent and characteristic. She was not popular during many years, as we know British people are very conservative in their habits/ But step-by step she became a famous and at last cared off this battle and respect and became a famous writer and cooker. Улыбка
That in short Улыбка

"Кто хочет сдвинуть мир, пусть сначала сдвинет себя" (с)

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Treš Nov 04, 2009 13:38 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Very interesting information, thank you! From famous British chefs I know only Jamie Oliver. Love Have you seen his programs?


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kroljix offline kroljix Ziņojums Treš Nov 04, 2009 15:16 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 6397
Pilsēta: ПриРижье


one of my friend was living in Australia some time and he told about huge quantity of very fat people - statistics show, that in USA than was about 60% of fat people, meanwhile in Austalia they were about 70-75 % В шоке
This is mainly because of food - limited corny area, limited food resources, this is the reason, why tha are synthesizing many products, like milk, cream and so on. Australians were described like unnormally fat, not like we used to imagine, but completely in other catogory.

this is what I have heard about Australian cuisine Размышляю

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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kroljix offline kroljix Ziņojums Treš Nov 04, 2009 15:24 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 6397
Pilsēta: ПриРижье

remembered one more moment: it is typical in USA and Australia to sell food in mega-giga-and so on pack, I mean, in supermarket it is usual to buy all products in 8pack, or 16pack. Then consumer will eat all this products anyway, not waste. So, if I want to buy one yoghurt, I have to buy all this 6-pack and thereby is the overwight implicitly promoted.

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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Riska offline Riska Ziņojums Cet Nov 05, 2009 22:38 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 31872
Pilsēta: Торонто

kroljix :
remembered one more moment: it is typical in USA and Australia to sell food in mega-giga-and so on pack, I mean, in supermarket it is usual to buy all products in 8pack, or 16pack. Then consumer will eat all this products anyway, not waste. So, if I want to buy one yoghurt, I have to buy all this 6-pack and thereby is the overwight implicitly promoted.

When I live in America, I cann't understand WHY they sell a milk as galoon, a yoghurt - 16 packs and so on... I saw a lot of hm... american women - nice and slim, who bought all this mega packs ... now in Latvia I buy mega packs Улыбка twice per week ... but I have just 2 kids and husband (Americans mostly have 3-5 kids, I mean those which I knew ..., not from movies ) ...

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